Game Rivalry

You’re set to play poker (or Scrabble or something else . . .) with a group of four. Write a story set during this game. Or, describe the ideal match: the players, the relationships — and the hidden rivalries.

I don’t play games on my phone, seldom when I do it’s this word puzzle game called Wordament. Otherwise, barely for this purpose, (I don’t even consider these as ‘games’ or ‘gaming’, nothing more than passing time without knowing what to do). Though just last night, something different occurred.

There’s this game called Chain Reaction which I played once and seemed fun. Not because it was a puzzle game requiring thinking too, but more of the game itself, how those bubbles pop and one move can throw sides upside down. Some friends I met last night, few of them have this contest among themselves. And among them, this one bugger took his own pride in being the champ with another lame win slogan which I didn’t bother remembering. But gotta admit, playing several times, teaming up and even with a four player match, that guy won every freaking time. Call it strategic thinking or just pure dam good luck (well he isn’t the brightest types, and so going to kill me if he reads this lol) 😛

Anyways, fun game. You should try it if you haven’t already on your phone. As I said, screw thinking, I just like those things popping around.


What activity, task, or game most brings out your competitive streak?

I’m not much of a competition hungry person. I just like doing what I like with a varying degree amount of passion. I like love playing video games, though I’m more of a story and experience person than the again typical competitive multiplayer ones.


My most favourite game till date is The Witcher 2: Assassin’s of Kings, you can read my review of it from last year.

As I said I’m not the type into competitive or spectator sports or such activities, but when it comes to it I’m more of like:
