Happy Happy Joy Joy

What does “happiness” look like to you?

I’m honestly still trying to figure that out. Sure, I can tell you happiness means love, understanding, acceptance, clarity or something like that, among the infinite oft them in number (you might want to check out The Happy Page on facebook) and every one of them would still be true.

Actually if you use facebook (yes I do know people in real life who still don’t use it and are fully in reality 🙂 ), you should check out the page I mentioned above.

And also, I’ve taken up this not-so-small challenge called #100HappyDays where one is supposed to share a picture of what made them happy each day.  Here’s an article on the same.

So it’s not too late to join in! I post on my instagram here for this one. Let’s hope I make it. 🙂

Remember, misery is comfortable. It’s why so many people prefer it. Happiness takes effort.

A moment of clarity in the pursuit of happyness

A moment where something obscure suddenly made sense, a moment where the future was not quite laid out for me, waiting for me to realize it.

Often feeling life right now is more like chasing an invisible ghost than a clear objective, left with sore eyes, sweaty palms and a troubled head, and with no scarcity of shortcomings and masquerades.

While not being an exceptional being in my current brief existence (and not so great scenario), this comic illustrates what makes me dread, and makes me realize:

It dawns to me. I don’t want to be scared anymore. I want to be happy.

The realization is that my happiness is something that is in my control to create control, something that I can create for myself and manage. What it means and how it works, are still a little hazy for me, but the idea is there, I feel it in my bones.

While I maybe far from it, still working on it. 🙂

Because happiness requires struggle

I’ve posted before about love, some favourites being here and here. Or just check the tag for all those posts.

I read this article recently which talks about the most important question you need to ask yourself actually. Isn’t happiness the ultimate goal in many forms of us humans? And how can there be any happiness without love?

Everybody wants to have great sex and an awesome relationship — but not everyone is willing to go through the tough communication, the awkward silences, the hurt feelings and the emotional psychodrama to get there. And so they settle. They settle and wonder “What if?” for years and years and until the question morphs from “What if?” into “What for?” And when the lawyers go home and the alimony check is in the mail they say, “What was it all for?” If not for their lowered standards and expectations for themselves 20 years prior, then what for?

Because happiness requires struggle. You can only avoid pain for so long before it comes roaring back to life.



I love Zen Pencils and a big fan of his work. He is a cartoonist who adapts motivational sayings and quotes into nice comics which always manages to make me smile, you must have seen me talking or sharing about it before. This one is one of my personal favourites. There is a wallpaper version of this too for your pleasure, and do check out his other works.

Keep spreading the happiness! 🙂

All The Pieces Matter

That was my first (and only) thought when I first read about this line – All That Matters. This line is comes from the first season of The Wire. The show is regarded by critics and fans as one of the best TV dramas ever made, and is recognized for its realistic portrayal of urban life, its literary ambitions, and its uncommonly deep exploration of sociopolitical themes. I’ll be using two scenes both from the early first season itself in putting forth my views.

See this short clip:

In this scene, Freamon and Pryzbylewski are among the two detectives of a special division of the Baltimore city police known as Major Crimes who are trying to take down a major drug empire. Here they are having a discussion while monitoring the wire they have on the pay-phone. Pryzbylewski tries to log a monitored conversation as “not pertinent” to their investigation because there was no talk of drugs. Freamon explains to him why, when you are trying to piece together elements of a criminal conspiracy in which codes are used, almost any conversation between the key players should be considered pertinent.

In Lester’s own words: “We’re building something here, detective, and we’re building it from scratch… and all the pieces matter.”

The most obvious metaphor to draw on in this case is that of a jigsaw puzzle. To get the total picture, you need all the pieces, even the ones that don’t seem to have anything interesting on them. And is there any bigger puzzle than life itself?

These pieces ultimately lead to the goal of anyone in his/her life which is happiness as they say, whether it’s subconsciously hidden or actually realized. Happiness is mostly associated, if not limited to success, but the existence of happiness itself is meaningless if there isn’t the polar opposite, the feeling of sadness or the most uninteresting neutral feeling of boredom in the picture.


Mind you, like any other being I too do not want any boredom or mediocrity, let alone sadness or failures. But then, they do come with this package of life and are inevitable, they cannot be evaded. This subsequently leads on to the thought of whether happiness is really an entity that matters. But not always we are free to go about as we like, are we?

Although we like to think of ourselves as free (or at least those who can read this anyways) but what we call freedom actually operates according to the rules of structured interaction. Even those who live outside of the law — as do the drug dealers in The Wire — are still restrained by their own unwritten laws, rituals and taboos.

Here in this scene D’Angelo Barksdale explains it succinctly:

Before we even get into the specifics of D’Angelo’s speech, it is worth noting the deep significance of the fact that Wallace and Bodie, two youth in the gang are playing checkers with chess pieces. While it might seem like nothing more than an amusing way to introduce D’Angelo’s lesson, it is, in fact, a statement on their obvious status as pawns in the drug game.

As drug dealers, they are already deeply engaged in The Game. Whether they know it or not, they are on that chess board, their lives being played out according to fairly specific strategies and rules. As faceless, disposable soldiers, however, they don’t even know the fundamental rules of the game in which they are embedded.

We think of the king and queen (and even the knights, bishops and rooks to varying degrees) as fairly autonomous operators, the very definition of the word “pawn” carries the implication that someone else is entirely in control of their actions. Whereas pawns, often used as bait or as stationary deterrents, are valuable primarily for their simplicity and abundance (disposability), not their ability to understand what else is going on on the board.

To put it a different way, it is not simply that they are playing checkers because they don’t understand chess. They are playing chess. They just think they’re playing checkers. Their simplistic understanding is both a hindrance to their own development and the reason they are effective pawns. This same inability of understanding is what that hinders many of us.

We become pawns in our own game, someday a queen, not the king.

We all are pawns in a constantly changing game. We are knights and kings in people’s life and pawns in others. But little it’s realized that the disposable pawn is as important as the game changer. Primarily our needs comprising of happiness, freedom, people in our lives, the fact we need to have an understanding of the working of things without having to choose one over the other is what matters. Even as a fact over the spiritual sense of having importance of materialistic things as much as people and aforementioned entities of importance which exist, they matter too, even the small function they play which can seem large.

I want everything.

So as a person in the game of life, going ahead, All The Pieces Matter.

Tears of Joy

We cry for lots of reasons: sadness, pain, fear . . . and happiness. When was the last time you shed tears of joy?

I’m not much of a ‘crying’ person. Even at times of pain or sadness I get angry more and my reaction to it is usually that way. Seldom I shed a tear, so happiness becomes more tricky. I can’t even recollect any time recently when I had some tears of joy. Although at times I’m filled with immense happiness, bringing some water out of the eyes is not something which happens.

The latest what I can honestly remember having some tears of joy is last August (2012) when I saw one of my favourite bands Poets of the Fall live for the first time. And before that in July, when I saw the most awaited movie of 2012 and the decade, and my most favourite of all time, The Dark Knight Rises. I had the privilege of seeing a special fan screening 2 days before anyone else in the world and seeing it for the first time, at certain moments really bought some tears, a sentiment which was shared by many long time Batman fans.

Apart from that which is the closest to what can get, some others which get to me are my most favourite band Linkin Park. I recently wrote a post on it here. And to end, (if you follow my blog you must have seen it a couple of times before I shared) being a Batman fan since forever, this. Took active part in spreading the word and contributing to it.