Moved to Tears

Describe the last time you were moved to tears by something beautiful.

Doesn’t happen much (I’m a cold hearted bastard you see) but it does happen at times. The last time was when I saw Man of Steel. Oh god it was so beautiful and moving. Saw it 13 times in the theaters and now waiting for the home release for another who-knows-what number of times viewings. Literally teared off first two times. Very beautiful.


The Artist’s Eye

Art always fascinates and interests me (not to mention at times go WTF?) Art has numerous forms, but what stands out to be the most are video games and comic books. They are really pure forms of some epic art (where ever applicable).

This is a Superman minimalist poster for the occasion of the release of Man of Steel, by my friend Joogz. Check out his other awesome work. Prints and posters are available to purchase, and also t-shirts here. I have one myself and it’s great, even wear it whenever I want to feel Super. đŸ˜€


Rains and Reliance with Pizza and Superman

It was just another day, just this one however was awaited because of The Reliance Digital Experience thanks to IndiBlogger at Infiniti Mall, Malad. Since it being a relatively new one and moreover not much visited by yours truly, I looked forward to spending some nice time. Just the bloody headache was the rains (which is being dubbed as #MumbaiRains everywhere). This place is one of the highest rainfall regions in the world and I think as if the spirit of the city itself takes some pride in it and makes traveling/living miserable at this time of the year (well when it isn’t?) and it’s not even July yet!

Anyways I left the house, got a print out of the e-mail (wasn’t sure why since at this age most of us carry it in our pockets with us, but still followed as per instructions regardless) and through a auto-rickshaw headed to above mentioned place and searched for the Reliance Digital outlet, after a bit confusion as this was on the second floor directly above two other Reliance Trends which were clothing outlets which looked stacked one above the other. It was quite interesting as I meet some other bloggers who were leaving when I was en route and met some more whom had planned to meet up in the morning which I overslept. But in any case I was there, the store manager had finished briefing them while I was greeted by another co-coordinator who added my e-mail invitation print-out to the stack in his hand (people are not so lazy on Saturdays after-all) and then came the apparently awkward moment, when he asked my name. I didn’t respond and just told him I’ll save him the trouble and searched it myself on the list, and he had his share of giggling after he checked my name – The Nameless One. Yeah, that’s my name. While I’m used to it, but still such lists can actually have real names and aliases together. But guess IndiBlogger likes to troll people like me. Oh well.

1003122_10200948788138478_1803676265_nSome of the IndiBuddies with the nameless one.

Since I visit such electronic stores quite often and being a technology enthusiast, I didn’t actually need a tour (nor did I want one) and I fended off on my own. The place had a fresh new ambiance in it, and as I wandered around the store looking and taking photographs of course (which was apparently not allowed) many employees who were not engaged with some other customer offered their assistance (which I politely declined, of course I’m a nice guy!). Also their uniforms were a light blue, which was pleasant for the eyes. Actually that wasn’t a co-incidence, blue is one of the most pleasant colours for the human eye so in order to keep yours glued to something that’s why many products, even websites mostly facebook, twitter among others are in blue. There were different sections for each type of products and employees who were present to explain and guide customers who were interested in buying or looking for something in particular.

1016642_10151418865151968_1911745433_n 970553_10151418865416968_1617545102_n WP_20130615_016 WP_20130615_005 WP_20130615_006 WP_20130615_010 WP_20130615_014

971773_10151418865726968_1811548430_n 996730_10151418867881968_833993705_nThe place was spacious to move about and see things at a glance. After checking out various cameras, laptops, sound systems and TVs I went to the sections comprising of video games, movies and music. There were set ups of audio systems and gaming consoles which interested (and potential) customers could try out for themselves. Towards the end of the store, there was full dedicated section to books along with other home appliances like refrigerators etc.

WP_20130615_007WP_20130615_011 WP_20130615_012 WP_20130615_013WP_20130615_019 WP_20130615_018 WP_20130615_020In the end, conclusion is that this seems a great place to get your shopping done from. They just need to bring in more to their inventory, along with some great offers and deals. The thing is there are many such places out there, I need to be convinced that I need to get my stuff from here and not elsewhere, especially in a world today where many of it is done online. And not to forget, met Nihal and the one and only BlogwatiG there who had apparently finished doing some detective-giri there. I met her innocent(?) daughter too who seem to be afraid looking at me (am I so horrible?)

IMG_3642So after all was done, finished taking mental notes and photographs, left the place for the rest of the day. It was raining as you might have suspected, but at least not so much.


In Good Faith

I must had many moments both for and against faith, but can’t recollect anything now. But I did see the most anticipated movie of the year Man of Steel (special premier screening) yesterday and again first thing today when it released. Always had faith it will deliver and it did. Left me with lot of goosebumps and tears both times, that means something.


Take Care

When you’re unwell, do you allow others to take care of you, or do you prefer to soldier on alone? What does it take for you to ask for help?

While I don’t hesitate to ask for help when very much required, I do don’t like it as it makes me feel crap. Besides thinking of the word ‘help’ what better word than to associate with a helper hero superhero!
