75 Years of Justice #Batman75

uhK9pwDeToday, 75 years ago, the world witnessed the manifestation of The Caped Crusader; changing the lives of millions in the years to come. Thank you Bob Kane and Bill Finger for giving us someone to believe in.

Having endured for 75 years, a feat which only 76 year old Superman has topped, the legacy of The Dark Knight needs no explanation, and yet there is lot to still understand.

Happy 75 years of Batman, and many more to come. #Batman75

This year also marks the 100th birth anniversary of co-creator Bill Finger, 50th anniversary of the “new look” and 25th anniversary of Tim Burton’s Batman movie.


The Legend Ended

Today a year ago, the final installment of the most epic trilogy released, The Dark Knight Rises. Words aren’t enough to describe this piece of spectacle, being a very polarizing movie of 2012, it captured the essence of what makes the most iconic caped crusader who he is. The Dark Knight Rises was the most anticipated movie of not only the year, but by numbers, of the entire preceding decade!

ImageRelive the wait and magnificent moments here with this trailer:

How many times did you see it at theaters and at the moment? I counted 12 till it went off the theaters. It surely had one of the most satisfying endings ever, and sure did move the hearts of millions of Batman fans. Now here is to the next one who takes up the mantle.


You’ve changed things… FOREVER!

3ra91bToday, 5 years ago, a movie which can be regarded utmost ‘perfect’ was released, featuring one of the longest running legendary rivalry on-screen, The Dark Knight. I remember being so dam excited for it, and couldn’t stop myself from jumping from excitement (in a manner of speaking) and also being mocked for waiting for movie ‘like this’. And it was so worth it. From hearing of Heath Ledger’s shocking and tragic death barely a month later to seeing the intense and exciting trailers at the end of ’07, all the way down to following the film’s unforgettable viral marketing campaign, it was very apparent to me and millions of others that there was already something special about this film.

There is no amount of praise which can describe this epic, or by now no need for them. 🙂 So here is to 5 years!

1353762644-0445203-www.nevsepic.com.uaYou can relive the amazing trailer for it here again:

Also, those of us fortunate got to see the end of the legend, the last film of the epic The Dark Knight Trilogy on this day last year, The Dark Knight Rises. I remember being in tears the first time (and subsequent few) times when I watched it. So today is special indeed.

batman-1600-1050-wallpaperTake the day off and enjoy the world’s greatest movie trilogy ever made, for as already said, they have changed everything and defined how perfect movies are made.