Weekly Photo Challenge: Community

Can’t think of a better one about a certain rad community than Comic Con happening at the moment here in Mumbai, 21-22 December 2013! It’s dubbed as Mumbai Comics & Films Convention here additionally, since it’s just starting to grow here.


That crowd.

You’ve changed things… FOREVER!

3ra91bToday, 5 years ago, a movie which can be regarded utmost ‘perfect’ was released, featuring one of the longest running legendary rivalry on-screen, The Dark Knight. I remember being so dam excited for it, and couldn’t stop myself from jumping from excitement (in a manner of speaking) and also being mocked for waiting for movie ‘like this’. And it was so worth it. From hearing of Heath Ledger’s shocking and tragic death barely a month later to seeing the intense and exciting trailers at the end of ’07, all the way down to following the film’s unforgettableĀ viral marketing campaign, it was very apparent to me and millions of others that there was already something special about this film.

There is no amount of praise which can describe this epic, or by now no need for them. šŸ™‚ So here is to 5 years!

1353762644-0445203-www.nevsepic.com.uaYou can relive the amazing trailer for it here again:

Also, those of us fortunate got to see the end of the legend, the last film of the epic The Dark Knight Trilogy on this day last year, The Dark Knight Rises. I remember being in tears the first time (and subsequent few) times when I watched it. So today is special indeed.

batman-1600-1050-wallpaperTake the day off and enjoy the world’s greatest movie trilogy ever made, for as already said, they have changed everything and defined how perfect movies are made.

That Time Travel Thing

So Blogwati Geeeeeeee said there will be blood time travel. So here is time travel.

Apart from the title with too much Ts, my not-so-great humour and the above video with a guy sitting and walking (and floating) across different places playing an instrument whose name I had to Google search, what entered my mind was:

  • I’m also mostly a vagabond to my current capacity. While I consider myself an ‘aspiring traveler’ so far I ended up going to a few places and mostly I too walk on the streets.
  • Without an instrument or fancy gimmicks though. Heck I don’t even know to play a single instrument despite how rock n’ roll or metal head I look. I prefer any and all kind of music as long as I enjoy it. Same goes for other things as well.
  • I have spent all my time don’t know what I’m doing or what I want most of the time. Well, walking takes time too though.

time-travel-clockWell, you must be thinking that the song/video is called as ‘Time Traveler’ but had more to do with space, as most of what I wrote right? Well both are so inter-related as a matter of fact (it’s a science thingy, called space-time continuum, but let’s not go there)

Hey don’t click that wikipedia link (yet), BE HERE.

That being said, in short, I don’t know how time flies nor I spend too much time (or any as a matter of fact) thinking about what happened. Guess I’m so hopeless in the moment right?

My daily mantra.

Well, traveling in time or otherwise, that video reminded me of how the most powerful ‘thingy-s’ in life are so simple. Or maybe I’m the wise guy who always knew it and giving it too much credit which it doesn’t deserve.

With enough of space-time thingy (what a nice word not to use anytime conveniently when you don’t know the particular term associated with something, even when people are so lazy now that they don’t bother to look it up despite being on the internet, let alone in real life) here is something for your entertainment if you didn’t knew already, if you don’t read comics but are an avid reader (then for who knows what misguided reason you don’t read comics) of literature then you should check this comic series called Deadpool: Killustrated, based on the fan favourite character Deadpool who is known for Breaking the Fourth Wall. Here in these stories, this guy is bored and with nothing to do (in a manner of speaking) goes around traveling in time and butchering famous novels in literature. Hell fun (or should I say ouch). šŸ˜€

Deadpool-Killustrated-coversThanks for reading. Now you may *click click* on those links I provided for more of your knowledge. šŸ˜›

Comics are Awesome


This was too awesome not to share. (Go give the artist some a lot of love)

ImageDown the left – Spidey reads some Ultimate Spidey with Mr Fantastic looking over his shoulder, and the Torch making mischief, much to Sue’s protests. Gwen peacefully reads Shadoweyes. Hellboy, Thing and Hulk bond over Darkwing Duck, while Usagi Yojimbo relaxes with some explosions, and behind them Atomic Robo and Asterix catch Doctor Doom shoplifting.

Middle – Robin, Batgirl and Spider-Woman thrill to the exploits of the Savage Dragon. Archie, Betty and Veronica share a volume of Runaways, with Frankie making eyes at Ronnie while the Goon takes in some four colour goodness. Blue Beetle disapproves of Booster Gold colouring in the comics, while Cyclops, Kitty Pryde, Colossus, and Pheonix chill with their respective comics.

And at the right – Thorn reads the Wonderful Wizard of Oz to an enthralled Possum Kids and Bone (who has set down his copy of Moby Dick long enough to enjoy some real entertainment), Thor, Batman, Invincible, Batwoman, Nightcrawler, and a positively smitten Wolverine. Death appreciates the genius of the Muppet Show, and Ant-Man and the Wasp read over the shoulder of Wonder Woman and Harley Quinn, who are getting acquainted over the widely downloaded (and awesome) Underground, while Iron Man restocks.

Short Description – COMICS ARE AWESOME!Ā  šŸ˜‰

The Bizarro World

In the DC comics universe, a planet called ā€œHtraeā€ (ā€œEarthā€ spelled backwards)Ā is populated with bizarre versions of superheroes. AĀ Seinfeld episodeĀ made the idea of this Bizarro World popular, where the characters encountered their opposite selves.

Craft a scene in which you meet an opposite version of yourself ā€” or a story in a bizarre, backwards world.

superman_181Ah nice to see a prompt directly related to comics, especially since I’m an avid reader and fan since I could remember reading. Here the name itself of the character Bizarro is a bizarre! He is a mirror image of Superman, with complete opposite qualities of him, like a negative(?) mirror reflection. Bizarro was Ranked #25 on IGN’s List of 100 Top Comic Book Villains.

It would be interesting to think about what my antithesis in a parallel (or even here?) world would be like. Not necessarily the evil win/parallel, as we all are flawed and not idol as Superman to have a opposite reflection, but all qualities opposite which can be tricky as right now I’m not sure myself of all my current ones and where to they fit.

Judging a book by it’s cover

If you were to judge your favorite book by its cover, would you still read it?

Long answer short, yes.

Now I’ll stick to me reading my favourite books based on their covers rather than justifying the don’t judge a book by it’s cover which is a much common topic of discussion, and honestly, who is stupid enough to not know that by now, and if so (since the world is filled with idiots in a manner of speaking) how many actually follow it?

I have many favourite books. Many of them include graphic novels and comics which have very interesting covers quite evidently, and the others are also intriguing. Many bestsellers have different variations based on the region, language and other factors like over time too and it’s cool to see other interpretations of the same book (cover). So not much of a thoughtful one for me. Besides, in today’s with the much available resources, abundant no. of talented artists, creativity and imagination, a lame or bad cover is just a stupid excuse.

Bedtime Stories

What was your favorite book as a child? Did it influence the person you are now?

the-dark-knight-returns-coverAlthough never had any ‘bedtime’ stories said to me nor I liked any, I did read a lot of books and especially comic books, which as a matter of fact still do today. Particular, if you know me or follow this blog you’ll already know Batman was my hero growing up. Comics, TV and the old movies were a part of my growing up among other things. And yes, very much influenced me into the person I’m today.

Although I don’t have any absolute favourites, The Dark Knight Returns is one of my most favourite books of all time. Recently made into an animated feature in 2 parts which I recommend you must watch apart from reading as it’s not only one of the greatest Batman stories ever told but also one of the greatest pieces of literature ever.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Unique


This week’s challenge was another interesting one, and when I thought about something unique, isn’t it ironic that there are so many in our world and universe which is are unique? Unique in their own ways?

The best representation of unique for me is


Who or what else could it be? Who could be more unique than yourself in this existence? Well sorry to sound also pessimist here at the same time, we are all drowning in this vast ocean of unique individuals here who do big things and achieve great wonders. While I admire many such people myself, never fail to recognize oneself as important, that is the first step in achieving something in life, Or at least it will help you not be suicidal.

Coming to the picture above, as you can already see how I look by just looking a bit at the left, that picture was taken in the Mumbai Comic-Con 2012. There was booth for promoting The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey too and ‘best photographs’ were in for some prizes. I don’t know how they judged, maybe for cos-players but needless to say I won some cool The Dark Knight Rises merchandise šŸ˜€

And I got that Guy Fawkes mask from the BombayMerch booth, which is one of the most famous online shopping sites in my city which is founded and owned by a very old friend of mine. Always wanted (an authentic) one and got it, known by the epic graphic novel/movie V for Vendetta and used by infamous hacktivist group Anonymous, as it has become a symbol of freedom and revolution.

Beneath this mask, there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask, there is an idea. And ideas are bulletproof.