Writerly Reflections

Which books did you love growing up? Which poems?
I grew up mainly reading comic books, the first being Batman, my all time favourite fictional character. Oh did you know he turned 75 today?

Do you remember your first original composition? What was it? How did you feel while writing it?
I can’t pin-point to what, just it was a drawing or painting since I did that a lot back in the day. However this is one piece which I’m very proud of, which I wrote when I was in school in 2004.

Did you secret your writing away or share it with family and friends?
I basically wrote for myself whenever I did. Still do. Alas not many are interested in it though. 😛

What sort of writing do you enjoy doing best? Fiction? Nonfiction? Creative Nonfiction? Poetry? Memoir? Other?
I enjoy creative writing. Mostly non-fiction for now. And whenever I have an epiphany (which I usually do) and aphorisms now and then.

What are your writerly aspirations? Do you write for yourself, or to become published?
For now just for myself, and have no desires to be published as an author as such. However I would love to travel around the world and document my travels/adventures someday, which is actually my long term aim. Now only the universe knows how I’m going to get there.

Why do you write?
Because I feel free.

What keeps you writing?
I just do, not much of an explanation I have I’m afraid.

Do you have a daily writing practice? Tell us about it.
For now I only follow The Daily Post and it’s writing prompts such as this one. While still have a long way to go, I’m happy to somehow keep myself alive everyday, and keep improving. 🙂

Oh, the joy of writing!


I Walk the Line

Have you got a code you live by? What are the principles or set of values you actively apply in your life?

Although I haven’t articulated any set of principles or a code for myself, I do have some. Most of them, in one way or another, coming to being doing whatever I do in life, to do it properly, wholeheartedly and with passion. Be it doing something important to a simple conversation.

75 Years of Justice #Batman75

uhK9pwDeToday, 75 years ago, the world witnessed the manifestation of The Caped Crusader; changing the lives of millions in the years to come. Thank you Bob Kane and Bill Finger for giving us someone to believe in.

Having endured for 75 years, a feat which only 76 year old Superman has topped, the legacy of The Dark Knight needs no explanation, and yet there is lot to still understand.

Happy 75 years of Batman, and many more to come. #Batman75

This year also marks the 100th birth anniversary of co-creator Bill Finger, 50th anniversary of the “new look” and 25th anniversary of Tim Burton’s Batman movie.


Moments to Remember

What are the three most memorable moments — good or bad, happy or sad — in your life? Go!

This is a very tricky question, as there are of course many stored in the subconscious of my head, as photographs in my hard drive and shared with others. I can’t pin point to which one were the most memorable (yet?) so for now I’ll grow with:

  • That moment when I finally learned to love and embrace myself, and tell myself I’ll do fine, even if I’m stuck in a shit storm.
  • When quarter life crisis stuck me hard and I realized uncertainty is all I’ve got to move on ahead.
  • This is my 701st blog post on this blog. Yay?