Weekly Photo Challenge: Unexpected

I won this in a contest celebrating 6 years of The Witcher franchise of video games, which is my top most favourite of all time. I’ve been wanting for years. Not only this is the first time I’ve won in an worldwide contest, also this arrived within some weeks which was really quick! Not what I was quite expecting. 🙂


Steam turns 10 today.

ImageThe biggest PC gaming market/community Steam turns 10 today! Happy 10th birthday!

545385_10151295685020152_851291278_nFrom a piece of crappy software to a complete game changer, it has made people stop pirating, gives great (perhaps some of the best) deals and very ease of playing your games and keeping them updated without doing much, this is the best thing to happen for PC gaming, and well gaming itself.

Thanks for making our lives easier Steam. 😀

Or not

If you’re a PC gamer who uses it (which is most probably the case), you can add me here. Be sure to say hi!