The world’s first superhero turns 75 years old

Today 75 years ago, an entire genre was born leading to creation of true action in popular culture and media On this day the world’s first superhero was born – Superman. Created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster sometime in 1933, the Man of Tomorrow manifested in Action Comics #1 on April 18, 1938 (cover dating June, which will coincide with the release of the movie Man of Steel)

Superman_Wonder_Woman_Batman_by_JukkartWhile being the among the oldest most widely recognized heroes till date along with Batman since 1939 and Wonder Woman since 1941, and today being filled with a galaxy of heroes, Superman remains the most important creation and iconic figure in culture, not only as American but for the world as the first beacon of hope.

75 years on, and still #1 with a fight close to the neck with the other side of the coin (le Batman). Personally I was always a Batman fan, but Superman has a special not to mention important place in all our hearts. As a friend of mine said,

Batman is the hero the world needs. Superman is the hero we all want to be.

Anybody can be Batman, but who doesn’t want to be Superman?

What if a child dreams of becoming other than what society had intended? What if a child aspired to be something greater?

Here is the latest awesome trailer which was released yesterday, which you must have seen 50 times already (like me) unless you haven’t if you lived under a rock in the past 24 hours or so. Recommended to watch in HD.
Warning: Goosebumps and tears eminent.

superman-returns-logo-cartoon-925281That’s not a ‘S’. In my world, it’s a symbol of Hope.

Here is the previous one .


You will give the people an ideal to strive towards.
They will race behind you.
They will stumble. They will in fall.
But in time, they will join you in the sun.
In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.

man of steel fortress of solitudeThis summer, we will believe a god can walk on earth.

We will believe a man can fly.

Help us again believe.

3 thoughts on “The world’s first superhero turns 75 years old

  1. Pingback: 74 years of Batman | The Nameless One

  2. Pingback: Why The World Still Needs Superman, We need The Man of Steel in 2013 | Smells Like Infinite Sadness

  3. Pingback: The Stat Connection | The Nameless One

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