My Eulogy for Myself


Writing my eulogy. This is a whole new level of talking to myself and about myself, and here both of them put together! Quite naturally I don’t know where on earth (?) I’ll be when I kick the bucket, I have this paradoxical feeling of ‘worrying’ of dying alone, and at the same time much preferring wanting that. So here it goes, sort of:

The beast is no more, and has gone to ride beyond this world, if such a thing exists that is. Mere words won’t do justice to him, or more honestly there are no words for that matter. I would have like to have called him my friend, but I doubt anyone of us could honestly say so. He wasn’t the greatest out there, nor the most attractive, but what made him special was he was always himself and always tried to be true to himself and ones around him. He was\ the bravest, and craziest person I ever knew. I wonder what all he managed to accomplish before he kicked the bucket, but I sincerely hope he was personally satisfied in the end, which he wasn’t at all at any given time. He would have not have believed someone would say this as he was always the lone-wolf, but in all sincerity I will miss that son of a gun. I hope he found some measure of peace in the end.

Well that would be about it, although as I already mentioned above, I would rather have and most likely will as I think now that I’ll be on my own. The idea of laying dead on the bed with hundreds (number depends on how famous/rich you are) around you mourning (depends, many of which is just obligatory) doesn’t much appeal to me. If I have one wish, someone play a Linkin Park song on my passing, or a good tune. Well I won’t be hearing that when I kick the bucket, so that won’t matter either way.

12 thoughts on “My Eulogy for Myself

  1. Pingback: Daily Prompt: My Eulogy “Is There Coffee In Heaven?” | My Blog

  2. Pingback: JUST SOMEONE ONCE « hastywords

  3. Pingback: My own Eulogy at the Sunset of my Thought Provoking Creativity | My.Vivid.Visions

  4. Pingback: Autoeulogy Of Hotspur – A Daily Prompt Post « Lyrical Anarchy

  5. Pingback: Dearly Departed or how did she die? | Fasting, Food and other musings by determined34


  7. Pingback: My own Eulogy at the Sunset of my Thought Provoking Creativity « MyVividVisions

  8. Pingback: The Stat Connection | The Nameless One

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